What is the best way to position HTML labels with CSS3 flexbox?

Check out my codepen to see what I need by clicking on this link: https://codepen.io/tbellmer/pen/RdxBdQ

I am new to this and although the form works, I require help with the design. I want both the Action: and Comment: labels to be aligned to the right. I prefer using modern techniques instead of tables or floats.

Currently, I am using a flexbox for an aside section and main section. Can I achieve what I want using flexbox or grid? Also, there is some vertical spacing done with

and I suspect there might be a better way to do it.

Your help will be greatly appreciated!

<div class="container">
  <div class="flex-grid">
    <aside class="col sidebar">
      <p class='ctr'>Welcome</p>
    <section class="col main">
      <h1 class='ctr'>Title</h1>
      <form action='#'>
        <label for='combo'>Action: </label>
        <select id='combo' name='response' required>
          <option value=''>--none--</option>
          <option value='A'>Approved</option>
          <option value='R'>Rejected</option>
        <p></p>   <!-- Is there a better way for spacing? -->
        <!-- Want both Action: and Comment: labels to line up to the right -->
        <label for='comment'>Comment: <label>
        <input type='text' id='comment' size='40' name='comment'>
        <input class='button' type='submit' value='Submit' id='submit'>
        <input class='button' type='reset'  value='Cancel'>

Answer №1

You have the option to insert a div within the form tag similar to how it is done below, and assign a class with the


.display-align {
    display: grid;
    grid-template-columns: max-content max-content;


    <div class="display-align">
            <label for = 'combo'>Action: </label>
            <label for = 'comment'>Comment: <label>
            <select id = 'combo' name = 'response' required">
                <option value = ''>--none--</option>
                <option value = 'A'>Approved</option>
                <option value = 'R'>Rejected</option>
            <input type=text id='comment' size='40' name='comment'>
        <input class = 'button' type = 'submit' value = 'Submit' id = 'submit'>
        <input class = 'button' type = 'reset'  value = 'Cancel'>

You can utilize the <br> tag to create a line break or opt for the <p>.

Alternatively, you may want to consider using this variation (which is essentially the same, but different).

    <fieldset style="max-width: 400px;">
        <div class="display-align">
                <label for = 'combo'>Action: </label>
                <label for = 'comment'>Comment: <label>
                <select id = 'combo' name = 'response' required">
                    <option value = ''>--none--</option>
                    <option value = 'A'>Approved</option>
                    <option value = 'R'>Rejected</option>
                <input type=text id='comment' size='40' name='comment'>
            <input class = 'button' type = 'submit' value = 'Submit' id = 'submit'>
            <input class = 'button' type = 'reset'  value = 'Cancel'>

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