Utilizing DOMStringMap data to populate CSS URLs

I am attempting to create a universal CSS modification for a webpage element that resembles:

<button data-action="link" class="cardImageContainer coveredImage cardContent itemAction lazy lazy-image-fadein-fast" data-blurhash="long string that I am unsure if it is identifying or not" aria-label="sample_video" style="background-image: url("http://localhost:8096/Items/7215c9b47ed950ddeb42219e4b4091a1/Images/Primary?);"></button>

The program allows for CSS customization, and the following code works as long as I manually input that long string (dataset:id) in the URL section.

.card:hover .cardImageContainer,
.card.show-animation:focus .cardImageContainer {
    background-image: url("/Items/   that long id  /Images/Logo?") !important;

The long ID can be found in the inspect element under dataset: DOMStringMap id. Is there a way to automatically incorporate this into the hover background image URL?

.card:hover .cardImageContainer,
.card.show-animation:focus .cardImageContainer {
    background-image: url("/Items/dataset:id/Images/Logo?") !important;

Answer №1

CSS is unable to join together the various components of the URL needed for the url() function, making it impossible to achieve this using CSS alone. (Learn more)

You can try using the following JavaScript solution:

let blurhash = document.querySelector('.cardImageContainer').dataset.blurhash;
let e = document.querySelector('.cardImageContainer');
e.style.background = 'url("/Items/' + blurhash + '/Images/Logo?") no-repeat scroll 0 0 transparent';

This code snippet demonstrates how to extract the value of the data-blurhash attribute from the HTML and combine it with other data to set the background image dynamically.

You may need to adjust the code further depending on the complexity of your webpage in order to target specific elements and handle multiple instances per page effectively.

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