What is the best way to navigate down a page using the <a> tag?

I'm working on creating a mini wiki page on my website that will have a table of contents at the top. Users can click on a link in the table of contents and it will automatically scroll down to the relevant section of the page. I know this involves using either HTML or CSS, but I can't seem to remember how to do it.

I used to be familiar with this feature, but I am currently unable to find any information on how to implement it.

In essence, my question is about using an <a> tag in HTML to create a smooth scrolling effect when clicked.

Answer №1

To ensure your content title has proper navigation, assign it an id that corresponds to the # request. This allows seamless scrolling to the content, whether it's on the same page or a different one. See the basic example provided below:


<a href="#sectioncontent">Section Content</a>


<h1 id="sectioncontent">Section Content Heading</h1>

Answer №2

To create a link that scrolls to a specific element on the page, you can use an anchor tag. Simply add a '#' before the value of the 'href' attribute, which should match the 'id' of the target element.

For instance:

<a href="#services">Our Services</a>

This code will navigate you to:

<h2 id="services">Our Services</h2>

...on the same webpage.

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