Responsive breakpoints in TailwindCSS seem to have an issue with applying padding and margin styles properly

Currently, I am tackling a project that involves creating a responsive design with Tailwind CSS on nuxtjs.

Has anyone encountered the issue of py-8 applying to both breakpoints? If so, please share your insights!

Here is how I have structured the component:

  <div class="bg-[#EEEEEE] py-8 lg:py-20">
    <p class="text-3xl lg:text-5xl text-center mb-0">Partners</p>

  export default {};


I have been conducting research through Google and Stack Overflow, but most answers refer to older versions of Tailwind CSS utilizing the variants property in tailwind.config.js

Answer №1

After struggling with this issue for a couple of months, I finally discovered that there are compatibility issues between Vuetify and Tailwind CSS. If you're experiencing the same problem while using Vuetify + Tailwind CSS, try incorporating prefixes for your Tailwind classes.

Answer №2

As per the official documentation of tailwindcss, The breakpoint for lg is set at 1024px

 'lg': '1024px',
      // => @media (min-width: 1024px) { ... }

The code is functioning correctly. Due to the background being close to white, it may be difficult to notice the changes.

To confirm its functionality, try switching to a black background once and then change it to your desired color.

The code:

<div class="bg-[#000000] py-8 lg:py-20">
  <p class="text-3xl lg:text-5xl text-center mb-0 text-green-500">

The output:

  1. For screen sizes smaller than the lg breakpoint

  2. For screen sizes larger than the lg breakpoint

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