Enhancing Image Quality in JavaFx's Scene Builder

Hey everyone! I've been using JavaFx scene builder to create a user interface with some png images.

Up to now, I've been using labels and enlarging them to display the pictures, but this solution isn't ideal because I need to create multiple pictures whenever someone new connects to my program. I've tried experimenting with ImageView, but the picture quality seems to suffer. Can anyone help with either A. setting a label to a specific size with a picture that always fits or B. improving the quality of ImageView or suggesting a better option for displaying small character pictures?

Thanks, Marc Rasmussen

P.S. If you'd like to see an image of my program, just let me know and I'll add it in a comment!

Answer №1

ImageView myImageView = new ImageView();   
        Image pic1 = new Image(StackedBarM.class.getResourceAsStream("b.png"));

In my experience, I have noticed minimal difference in quality when resizing images. If needed, you can always adjust the dimension in Photoshop and save the image in high quality.

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