I have a situation where I need to change the background image of a specific element within a CSS class without affecting others. For example, I have a class "a" with a background image that is used for multiple elements, but I only want to change the background image of a particular element when it is clicked.
Here's some context: I am working on implementing a like functionality, and I want to change the like image when it is clicked without impacting other images related to status updates. I'm currently facing some challenges with this task, as I am using Phonegap jQuery Mobile to accomplish it.
$(document).on("click", ".yvtw-like-btn", function(e) {
var jAnc = $(this);
if (jAnc.attr('data-status-id')) {
yumpod_service.showWaitLoader("Liking status...");
var userHash = yumpod_service.playerDict["userHash"];
$.when(send_request("likestatus", null,
{"userHash": userHash, "statusid": jAnc.attr('data-status-id')}
).done(function(data) {
console.log("status_like success", arguments);
try {
data = parseJson(data);
if (data && data["data"] && data["data"]["status"] === "sucess") {
yumpod_model.set("timeline", [data["data"]["user_status"]], "status_id");
} catch (e) {
console.log("status_like error", e);
}).fail(function(error) {
console.log("status_like fail", arguments);
return false;
This is the jQuery code I am using. Unfortunately, I do not have enough points to upload an image. However, I have provided my code for reference. Please refrain from suggesting simplistic solutions.
<a href="#" class="yvtw-like-btn ui-link" data-status-like="undefined" data-status-id="744"></a>
The 'this' object above represents the element in question. Can anyone advise me on how to change the background image of a class using the 'this' keyword?