Styling components in React using inline styles that are based on JSON values

I'm successfully pulling in JSON data and mapping it within a React component. However, one of the values in the JSON is a HEX code that I want to apply as an inline style for the background color of a div.

I have experimented with various methods, but my attempt was like this:

<div className="ribbon-wrapper">
 <div className="ribbon" style={{backgroundColor: {item.color.tint}}}></div>

This results in a

Syntax error: Unexpected token, expected ,
. Is there a more effective way to achieve this?

Answer №1

The type you're using is a JavaScript object, allowing you to skip the step of escaping item.color.tint. Simply pass it directly:

<div className="tag" style={{color: item.color.tint}}></div>

Answer №2

Pass it along without using any brackets, as shown below:

<div className="band" style={{backgroundColor: item.color.tint}}></div>

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