CSS selector for detecting elements with empty or whitespace-only content

A special selector called :empty allows us to target elements that are entirely devoid of content:


However, in some cases, the element may appear empty due to line breaks or white spaces:

<p>    </p>

In Firefox, a workaround exists using :-moz-only-whitespace:

:empty { width: 300px; height: 15px; background: blue; }
:-moz-only-whitespace { width: 300px; height: 15px; background: orange; }
<p>    </p>
<p>This is paragraph three.</p>

Is there an equivalent solution for other web browsers?

PS: Check out the JSFiddle link

Answer №1

Many individuals seem to be missing the intended focus of this question, but fear not as I will address it in the following detailed explanation. For those who simply seek the answer, I will repeat the crucial information found in the last paragraph:

Selectors 4 has redefined :empty to now encompass elements that solely consist of whitespace characters. Although initially proposed as a distinct pseudo-class called :blank, it has been merged into :empty after careful consideration that it wouldn't disrupt too many existing sites. All browsers must update their implementations of :empty to align with the Selectors 4 specification. When dealing with older browser support, you might find yourself needing to mark elements containing only whitespace or adjust the whitespace content accordingly.

The example presented in the question features a <p> element with several regular space characters, which may appear trivial at first glance. However, it is more commonplace to encounter markup where elements are filled with indents and blank lines, like so:

<ul class="items">
  <li class="item">
      <!-- Complicated structure of nested elements -->
  <li class="item">
  </li> <!-- Appears empty except for a line break and indentation before the closing tag -->

Certain elements such as <li>, as shown above, and <p>, possess optional end tags, potentially leading to unintended outcomes during DOM processing when inter-element whitespace is present. For instance, consider how the following two <ul> examples produce differing node structures, particularly absence of a li:empty match under Selectors level 3:

li:empty::before { content: '(empty)'; font-style: italic; color: #999; }

Considering that HTML treats inter-element whitespace as transparent by design, it's reasonable to desire styling these elements via CSS without modifying either the HTML itself or its generating application (especially if it entails creating and testing specialized cases). In light of this, Selectors 4 has expanded the definition of :empty to include elements consisting solely of whitespace. Originally introduced as :blank, this change was integrated into :empty given minimal disruption anticipated for existing websites. Therefore, browsers must adapt their handling of :empty to adhere to the Selectors 4 standard, while older browser compatibility entails marking whitespace-containing elements or adjusting them appropriately.

Answer №2

Trick Level 4 into thinking it's empty by using this code snippet:

:not(:has(*)) { /* apply styling here */ }

Answer №3

A remarkable insight was provided by @BoltClock in response to this inquiry, revealing that achieving this task with CSS alone (specifically working with CSS Specification 3 at the moment) is not feasible.

@BoltClock pointed out that elements that are absolutely empty (a somewhat peculiar definition as explained) can be pinpointed using the pseudo selector :empty. This particular pseudo selector is exclusive to CSS 3 and will NOT target elements containing only whitespace as content.

Additionally, @BoltClock mentioned that rectifying elements with solely whitespace as content is typically resolved by fixing the HTML structure, however, it's worth noting that Javascript implementation can also accomplish this.

Important Note: The Javascript solution proposed to address this issue may have a lengthy execution time, therefore, optimizing the raw HTML structure should be prioritized if possible. Failing which, utilizing this script is viable as long as the DOM tree isn't overly complex.

Let's delve into the steps involved in writing the script independently...

Firstly, initiate everything post page load.

This step is self-explanatory. Ensuring the complete loading of the DOM before executing the script is crucial. Simply add an event listener for page load:

window.addEventListener("load", cleanUpMyDOM);

...and prior to that, define a function named cleanUpMyDOM. All subsequent logic will be encapsulated within this function.

Secondly, identify the elements requiring inspection.

In our scenario, we aim to evaluate the entire DOM, however, this approach may potentially overwhelm your page's performance. It might be prudent to restrict the node iteration scope.

The desired nodes can be retrieved using the document.querySelectorAll function. An advantage of this method is its capacity to flatten the DOM tree without necessitating recursive traversal of each node's children.

var nodes = document.querySelectorAll("*");

As aforementioned, extracting ALL DOM nodes could be disadvantageous.

For instance, given my association with WordPress, certain internal pages contain extraneous elements. Fortunately, these are predominantly p elements nested under a div.body element. Consequently, I can optimize my selector to

document.querySelectorAll("div.body p")
, effectively targeting only p elements within my div.body element recursively. This optimization significantly enhances the script's efficiency.

Thirdly, iterate through the nodes to identify empty ones.

An iterative loop should be crafted for the nodes array to examine each node individually. Subsequently, scrutinizing whether a node is devoid of content is essential. If identified as empty, assign a class called blank to it.

It's more or less an improvisation, so feel free to flag any inaccuracies in the code.

for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
    nodes[i].innerHTML = nodes[i].innerHTML.trim();
        nodes[i].className += " blank";

While there may be a neater way to formulate the above loop, this rendition should suffice for the intended purpose.

Lastly, leverage CSS to target the blank elements.

Include the following rule in your stylesheet:

.blank {

Voilà! Your "blank" nodes are now concealed.

For those seeking a prompt resolution, here's the finalized script:

function cleanUpMyDOM(){
    var nodes = document.querySelectorAll("*");
    for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++){
        nodes[i].innerHTML = nodes[i].innerHTML.trim();
            nodes[i].className += " blank";
window.addEventListener("load", cleanUpMyDOM);

If you come across any anomalies in the code, please share your feedback in the comments section below.

Trust this aids you!

P.S. The rationale behind attempting this operation may raise questions, as it appears unconventional. While I discourage this practice, I find myself contemplating its utility due to specific circumstances. Content on my website's pages is generated via a WYSIWYG editor, constantly revised by the marketing team, presenting challenges in managing their errors. Rectifying issues with WordPress's WYSIWYG editor isn't within my purview, yet devising a simplistic script capable of alleviating some burdens seems like a plausible alternative. Ultimately, this serves as a pragmatic approach, alongside educating the support team on handling whitespace during edits.

Answer №4

For those interested in the specific reference: https://drafts.csswg.org/selectors-4/Overview.bs#the-empty-pseudo

In summary:

Note: Previous versions of Selectors did not consider elements with only white space as empty. This was updated to accommodate how white space can be collapsed in HTML and absorbed by DOM text contents, especially for elements without end tags. This allows authors to select elements they perceive as empty using this selector.

Starting from version 4, :empty will now treat spaces as empty:

Nodes like text nodes and entity references with non-zero length data are now considered in determining emptiness. Comments, processing instructions, and other nodes do not impact whether an element is considered empty or not.

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