The <hr> element creating a line beneath a connected div

Currently, I am in the process of designing a website with three main divs all on one page. To visually separate these divs, I have included a subtle horizontal line.

The horizontal line between the first and second div looks correct as intended.

However, the issue arises between the second and third div - the horizontal line appears below the second div. This problem seems to be related to the relative positioning of the container for the second div, which is necessary for image placement.

I have attempted solutions such as using display:block and enclosing the second div within another container, but none have resolved the issue.

One alternative could be using a div with a background/border instead of an hr, although I'm uncertain if this is the optimal approach given my current knowledge level.

Below is the code snippet for the 'second div' along with the hr that I'm struggling to position.

<!-- PORTFOLIO -->
                <div id="portfoliocont">


And here is the CSS used:

hr {
    margin: 40px 0px;
    border: none;
    height: 1px;
    color: #ececec;
    background-color: #ececec;


Thank you

Answer №1

Your issue lies in the thumbs with a CSS property of position: absolute;

Elements with position: absolute; do not take up any space when rendered by the browser.

In this scenario, the #portfoliocont "contains nothing".. Meaning anything within that div does not occupy space, resulting in a height of zero.

After the zero-height div, the browser then renders the <hr /> tag.

I highly recommend avoiding absolute positioning for your thumbs. There are alternative options to consider:

  • Display inline-block
  • Float left
  • Flexbox (check for browser compatibility)

For instance, here is a basic example using inline-block for the thumbs:

Answer №2

Figuring out the height of the div was the key to resolving my issue. It provided a straightforward solution, especially for a student working on a basic assignment.

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