Tips for spinning HTML5 Canvas's background image and adjusting the zoom with a slider

As someone who is new to the world of coding, I have a few goals in mind:

  1. First and foremost, I want to create a canvas.
  2. I also aim to add a background image to the canvas. Importantly, this background image should be separate from any foreground images created using 'drawImage(image, x, y)'.
  3. One of my key objectives is to include a slider that allows users to zoom in and out on the background image. However, I am facing a challenge in resizing the image since it's positioned in the background.
  4. Additionally, I hope to incorporate two buttons - one for rotating the image left, and the other for rotating it right.

All these tasks must be accomplished using HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery only.

I would greatly appreciate it if someone could explain these concepts in a beginner-friendly manner, preferably with detailed explanations of the code.

Thank you in advance!

Below is the code snippet that I've experimented with:

<div class="slider" style="width:500px; height:10px;"></div>
<br />

<div id="div_buttons">
    <table border="0">
                <input type="button" id="rotateLeft" align = "left" value="Rotate Left" />

                <input type="button" id="rotateRight" align = "left" value="Rotate Right" />

<style type="text/css">
        opacity: 0.5;

        background: url('script.jpg');
        opacity: 0.5;

<script type="text/javascript">
    var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
    var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
    var globalElement_width;
    var globalElement_height;

    (function() {
        $img = $('.canvas img');
            globalElement_width = $img.width();
            globalElement_height = $img.height();

                    step: 1,
                    min: 10,
                    max: 100,
                    value: 0,
                    slide: function(event, ui)

            $("#rotateLeft").click(function() { 
            ) //addClass("left")

            $("#rotateRight").click(function() {


        function resize_img(val) 
        var width = globalElement_width;
        var height = globalElement_height;
        var zoom_percen = (height * 1); // Maximum zoom 50%
        var ASPECT = 10;//zoom_percen / 30;
        var zoom_value = val / 1;
        var size = width + ASPECT * zoom_value;
        var d = ASPECT*zoom_value/10;          

        $img = $('.canvas img');
        marginTop: -d,
        marginLeft: -d,
        width: size,
        height: size
        }, 250);



Answer №1

After struggling with a few issues, I finally found the answer to my own question. The code seems to be working smoothly, except for some trouble with image rotation and zooming.

Here is the solution I came up with:

        <div id="div_buttons" style="position: absolute; top: 580px;">
            <table border="0">
                        <input type="button" id="rotateLeft" align = "left" value="Rotate Left" />

                        <input type="button" id="rotateRight" align = "left" value="Rotate Right" />

        <div id="result" style="position: absolute; top: 520px;" >This is where the div is located</div>

    <!--HERE IS THE STYLE TAG... -->
    <style type="text/css">
            opacity: 0.5;

            background: url('sky.jpg') no-repeat 30% 30%;
            height: 500px;
            width: 500px;
            repeat: false;
            opacity: 0.5;
            repeat: none;

    <script type="text/javascript">
        var canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
        var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
        var globalElement_width;
        var globalElement_height;
        var newangle = 0;
        var operation = "";

        (function() {
            $img = $('.canvas');
                globalElement_width = $img.width();
                globalElement_height = $img.height();

                        step: 1,
                        min: 1,
                        max: 100,
                        value: 0,
                        slide: function(event, ui)

                $("#rotateLeft").click(function() { 
                ) //addClass("left")

                $("#rotateRight").click(function() {


                canvas.onmousedown = function (e) //WHEN MOUSE IS CLICKED
                    canvas.isDrawing = true;


                canvas.onmouseup = function (e) //WHEN MOUSE CLICK IS RELEASED
                    canvas.isDrawing = false;


                canvas.onmousemove = function(e)

                    var res = document.getElementById('result');
                    res.innerHTML = e.pageX + ", " + e.pageY;

                    if (!canvas.isDrawing) {

                    var x = e.pageX - this.offsetLeft;
                    var y = e.pageY - this.offsetTop;
                    var radius = 5; // or whatever
                    var fillColor = '#ff0000';
                    context.fillCircle(x, y, radius, fillColor);

                context.fillCircle = function (x, y, radius, fillColor)
                    //alert("fillCircle is here...");
                    this.fillStyle = fillColor;
                    this.moveTo(x, y);
                    this.arc(x, y, radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);

            function resize_img(val) 
            var width = globalElement_width;
            var height = globalElement_height;
            var zoom_percen = (height * 1); // Maximum zoom 50%
            var ASPECT = 10;//zoom_percen / 30;
            var zoom_value = val / .5;
            var size = width + ASPECT * zoom_value;
            var d = ASPECT*zoom_value/10;          

            $img = $('.canvas');
            marginTop: -d,
            marginLeft: -d,
            width: size,
            height: size
            }, 250);



Answer №2

You have the option to set a background image using this method. If you are interested in implementing zoom in and zoom out functionality for an image, you can refer to this Stack Overflow discussion.

It might provide some assistance.

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