Using HTML, CSS, and jQuery to create a master-detail feature

I'm looking to implement a master-detail layout, so I decided to follow this tutorial for guidance:

While trying to replicate the tutorial, I encountered an issue with my code.

Here's the code snippet that I am working on:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <link href="stile.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <script src=""></script>
        $(document).ready(function () {
            $("td:nth-child(1)").html("<img src='images.jpg' class='clk'>");

            $(".clk").click(function () {
            var index = $(this).parent().parent().index();
            var detail = $(this).parent().parent().next();
            var status = $(detail).css("display");
            if (status === "none")
                $(detail).css("display", "table-row");
                $(detail).css("display", "none");
    <table id="tbSales" rules="rows"> 
            <tr class="saleRow"> 
            <tr class="itemsRow"> 
                <td colspan="5"> Itens 
                    <table class="tbItems" rules="rows"> 
                                <th>Unit Price</th> 
                                <td>Product A 1</td> 
                                <td>1</td> <td>7,00</td> 
                                <td>Product A 2</td>
            <tr class="saleRow"> 
            <tr class="itemsRow">
                <td colspan="5"> Itens 
                    <table class="tbItems" rules="rows"> 
                                <th>Unit Price</th> 
                                <td>Product B 1</td> 
                                <td>Product B 2</td> 


#tbSales, .tbItems{ 
border:solid 1px; 

#tbSales thead th, .tbItems thead th{

#tbSales tr td, .tbItems tr td{ 
border:solid 1px; 

#tbSales tr td:nth-child(1){

#tbSales tbody tr{

.tbItems tr{

#tbSales thead{

display: none; 


This is what the expected behavior should be:

However, when implementing it, the row appears empty. Why could this be happening?

Answer №1


Modifying all initial table elements.

To target a specific cell, you must indicate the row:

$(".saleRow td:nth-child(1)")

Answer №2

The initial line of javascript you wrote will replace the contents of all first children in your table.

Instead of using:

$("td:nth-child(1)").html("<img src='images.jpg' class='clk'>");

Try using:

$("td:nth-child(1)").css("border","red dashed 2px")

and you'll see the difference.

Check it out here:

td:nth-child(1) refers to "Every first <td> of each <tr> within the entire table". Keep in mind, this may change if there are nested tables.

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