What is the best way to transfer a table with multiple rows in a single column to an Excel spreadsheet while maintaining the headers on a horizontal plane

Currently, I am in the process of gathering data. The data is being sent to me in a word format and organized in a vertical columned table with different headers and alternating data.

I am looking for a way to export this data from Word into an Excel spreadsheet where the headers will fill each cell horizontally and the corresponding data will be placed just below the headers in a horizontal layout.

Answer №1

If I have correctly interpreted your inquiry

  1. duplicate the word table with vertical data
  2. launch excel and paste it onto sheet 2
  3. In Excel sheet 1, establish formulas for the data on sheet 2 as follows: For header 1, use =sheet2!A1, and for data1, use =sheet2!A3. For header 2, input =sheet2!A2 and for data2, use =sheet2!A4.

For clarification:


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