Issue with DIV positioning in IE when another DIV is animated downwards

Here's how my page structure looks like:

<div class="slide">
   <!---- some elements here --->
        <li id="open"></li>
        <! --- other parts of the navigation ---->
   <div class="content">
     <!---- My content goes here ---->
  <!--- my footer elements --->

Whenever I click on the li element with an id of open, the div with a class of slide slides down. The entire header is pushed down as well, but the content div remains above the header's content, causing the header to go under the content div. This issue specifically occurs in IE and despite trying various CSS modifications, the problem persists.

Below is the CSS code that I have attempted:

.content{display:block; clear:both; position:relative; top:0; right:0;}
.slide{display:none;background:#ddd;height:130px; width:100%; padding:20px;}
 header{background:#34759a; height:400px; width:100%;}

And here's the JQuery script I am using:

            return false;

Answer №1

Here are a couple of ideas to consider:

  • One option is to explore using CSS3 transitions in place of the jQuery animations
  • Rather than utilizing slideToggle(), you could set a negative margin-top for the slide class in your CSS, and then employ a jQuery animation to adjust it to margin-top: 0 using
    $('.slide').animate({marginTop: 0})
  • Additionally, targeting code exclusively for Internet Explorer may be beneficial in certain scenarios. Refer to this resource for more information on running an alternative script if the browser is Internet Explorer.

Answer №2

The reason for the issue was the fixed height of the header, which was set to 400px initially. I modified it to be 100% and now Internet Explorer is working as expected! :)

Here is the updated CSS:

header{height:100%; width:100%;}

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