The getTotalLength() method in SVG may not provide an accurate size measurement when dealing with non-scaling-stroke. To obtain the correct scale of

In my current project, I am utilizing JavaScript to determine the length of a path and apply half of that length to the stroke-DashArray. However, I have encountered an issue as I am using

in order to maintain a consistent stroke-width:2px; regardless of scale. This property affects all aspects of the stroke properties, including DashArray, so I need to calculate the scale of the SVG in order to scale path.getTotalLength();.

Is there a method in JavaScript to retrieve the computed scale of the SVG, which I can then use as a multiplier for the path length?

To illustrate this issue, I have created a demo on Feel free to resize the viewport to observe the changes in the stroke.

Answer №1

Let's highlight Sam's insightful comment/answer that really helped me!

To calculate the scale number, try using path.getBoundingClientRect().width/path.getBBox().width

To determine the length of the path, simply multiply the scale by path.getTotalLength() * scale;

Answer №2

If you're having trouble with scaling your svg, the solution mentioned above didn't work for me either. This is probably because my svg isn't proportionally sized (it's set to fill the browser window). However, I found a simple fix using boundingClientRect and the pythagorean theorem:

let boundingClient = el.getBoundingClientRect();
let pathLength = Math.sqrt(boundingClient.width ** 2 + boundingClient.height ** 2);

This method worked perfectly for me and just requires recalculating whenever the window size changes.

Answer №3

In my opinion, the best approach is to calculate the viewbox size by dividing it with the SVG width.

  <!doctype html>
  <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <button onclick="dashAni(myPath, 50, 3500)">start</button>
    <svg id="mySVG"  width="200" height="200" viewBox="0 0 500 500">
        id="myPath" d="M 50,250 c 0 -100   150 -100   200 0 
                                      c 50 100   200 100   200 0
                                      c -0 -100   -150 -100   -200 0
                                      c -50 100   -200 100   -200 0
        stroke-width="5" fill="none" />
      var dashAni = function(path, length, duration){
        var dashPath = path.cloneNode(true);
        var pathLen=path.getTotalLength()/2.5;  
        var aktPos=0
        var sumSteps = duration / (1000/60) // 60 pics per second
        var step=0;
        var pathAnim;
        dashPath.setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', length + ' ' + (pathLen - length));
        dashPath.setAttribute('stroke', "red");
        dashPath.setAttribute('stroke-dashoffset', aktPos);

        var anim=function(){
           aktPos = pathLen/sumSteps*step*-1;
            //aktLen = easeInOutQuad(step/sumSteps)*len;
           dashPath.setAttribute('stroke-dasharray', length + ' ' + pathLen);
           dashPath.setAttribute('stroke-dashoffset', aktPos);

           if (step <= (sumSteps)){
            pathAnim = setTimeout(anim, 1000/60) //1000/60 pics/second
            } else {

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