What is the best way to link various stylesheets to a Rails project?

In my project, I have a main stylesheet called application.css included in the layout file layouts/application.html.erb:

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application" %>

However, there is a specific section of the website where I want to use a different stylesheet named dashboard.css. This stylesheet is defined within the view file index.html.erb:

    <title>My title</title>
    <%= stylesheet_link_tag "dashboard" %>

In order to prevent conflicts and keep the dashboard view working correctly, I need to handle the stylesheet linking properly. If I try moving the application layout stylesheet tag to a partial file like _header.html.erb that is rendered with every non-dashboard view, it doesn't solve the issue. What would be the best way to manage these conflicting stylesheets?

<%= stylesheet_link_tag "application" %>
     <div id="headercontainer">

Answer №1

If you want to enhance your application.html.erb file, consider incorporating a yield statement within the head element like so:

  <%= yield :head %>

Next, in your view, make use of the content_for tag:

<% content_for :head do %>
  <%= javascript_include_tag "dashboard" %>
<% end %>

For more advanced techniques and tips, be sure to explore the documentation on nested layouts provided by Rails.

Answer №2

To enhance the design of your dashboard, consider creating a unique layout and applying specific stylesheets to it.

If you need a customized stylesheet for a particular controller and all its actions, follow these simple steps. Create a layout file with a name that matches the controller, such as users.html.erb for the users_controller.

You can also specify a different layout for the entire controller by using the following code:

class UsersController < ApplicationController
  layout 'some_layout'

If you only want to apply custom stylesheets to certain actions, you can do so by specifying the layout in the render method like this:

def dashboard
  # add your logic here
  render :layout => 'some_layout'

Answer №3

To enhance the design of your dashboard, I recommend creating a separate layout specifically for it (app/views/layouts/dashboard.html.erb). Within this layout, make sure to include links to the necessary dashboard stylesheets. Then, apply this custom layout to your dashboard views or controllers.

Alternatively, you can utilize conditional statements to choose between different stylesheets within the same layout:

<%= stylesheet_link_tag(dashboard_views? ? "dashboard" : "application") %>

Create a helper method named dashboard_views? that will evaluate and return true or false depending on the context of your views.

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