Steps for displaying a div when clicking a link in the navigation

Hello there, I'm from the Netherlands so please excuse any mistakes in my English. I will do my best to explain my question clearly....


The goal is to have a navigation bar where each item, when clicked on, will display a div with content inside.

To test this functionality, I have created a simple jsfiddle which you can find at


<nav class="navigation">
    <li class="item1"><a href="#content1">content1</a></li>
    <li class="item2"><a href="#content2">content2</a></li>
    <li class="item3"><a href="#content3">content3</a></li>
<div id="content1">content 1 text</div>
<div id="content2">content 2 text</div>
<div id="content3">content 3 text</div>


.navigation {background:blue;width:100%;}
.navigation li {display:inline-block;width: 5em;background:white;color:black;padding:1em;}
.navigation a {text-decoration:none;}

#content1 {background:green;color:white;padding:5em;}
#content2 {background:orange;color:white;padding:5em;}
#content3 {background:black;color:white;padding:5em;}

#content1 {display:block;}
#content2 {display:none;}
#content3 {display:none;}

.item1:hover #content1 {display:block;}
.item1:hover #content2 {display:none;}
.item1:hover #content3 {display:none;}

.item2:hover #content1 {display:none;}
.item2:hover #content2 {display:block;}
.item2:hover #content3 {display:none;}

.item3:hover #content1 {display:none;}
.item3:hover #content2 {display:none;}
.item3:hover #content3 {display:block;}

The above fiddle is what I want, but unfortunately it's not working as expected...

The following fiddle, however, is a working example but does not include the desired navbar.

You can check out the working example at


<li class="item1"><a href="#content1">content1</a></li>
<li class="item2"><a href="#content2">content2</a></li>
<li class="item3"><a href="#content3">content3</a></li>

<div id="content1">content 1 text</div>
<div id="content2">content 2 text</div>
<div id="content3">content 3 text</div>


.item1, .item2, .item3 {display:inline-block;width: 5em;background:white;color:black;padding:1em;}
.item1 a, .item2 a, .item3 a {text-decoration:none;}

#content1 {background:green;color:white;padding:5em;}
#content2 {background:orange;color:white;padding:5em;}
#content3 {background:black;color:white;padding:5em;}

#content1 {display:block;}
#content2 {display:none;}
#content3 {display:none;}

.item1:hover ~#content1 {display:block;}
.item1:hover ~#content2 {display:none;}
.item1:hover ~#content3 {display:none;}

.item2:hover ~#content1 {display:none;}
.item2:hover ~#content2 {display:block;}
.item2:hover ~#content3 {display:none;}

.item3:hover ~#content1 {display:none;}
.item3:hover ~#content2 {display:none;}
.item3:hover ~#content3 {display:block;}

I hope this explanation clarifies my query. I am looking to achieve a scenario where clicking a menu item displays its corresponding div while hiding the others.

Any assistance on achieving this would be highly appreciated! Also, preferably looking for a CSS-only solution without involving Javascript...

Thank you!

Answer №1

If you're struggling with an issue, this solution might be worth a shot...

Give the menu tabs a click to see if that resolves it.

[insert your codepan link here]

Check out this helpful resource on CodePen

Answer №2

To trigger any event action, JavaScript needs to be called. Below is the code snippet for displaying tabs:

$('.navigation li').eq(0).find('a').addClass('active');
$('.navigation a').click(function(e){
  $('.navigation a').removeClass('active');
  var id = $(this).attr('href');

Answer №3

Below is an example demonstrating the use of CSS.

.navigation {background:blue;width:100%;}
.navigation li {display:inline-block;width: 5em;background:white;color:black;padding:1em;}
.navigation a {text-decoration:none;}

#content1 {background:green;color:white;padding:5em;}
#content2 {background:orange;color:white;padding:5em;}
#content3 {background:black;color:white;padding:5em;}

.inputelement:checked ~ .navigationwrapper .navigationcontainer{display:none;}

.one:checked ~ .navigationwrapper #content1{display:block;}
.two:checked ~ .navigationwrapper #content2{display:block;}
.three:checked ~ .navigationwrapper #content3{display:block;}

span{display:inline-block; background:yellow; width:100px; height:50px}
.inputelement{position:absolute;width:100px; height:50px; opacity:0;}
.inputelement:checked + span{background:red;}
<input type="radio" class="inputelement one" name="menu" checked />
<input type="radio" class="inputelement two" name="menu" />
<input type="radio" class="inputelement three" name="menu" />
<div class="navigationwrapper">
<div id="content1" class="navigationcontainer">content 1 text</div>
<div id="content2" class="navigationcontainer">content 2 text</div>
<div id="content3" class="navigationcontainer">content 3 text</div>

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