What is the best way to implement CSS styles from a parent component?

Within a React component using Emotion, we have a component called OtherComponent:

return <div css={otherComponentStyles}>
     <div className='something'>

There is also another component named MainComponent that utilizes OtherComponent:

return <OtherComponent css={mainComponentStyles} ... />

In this scenario, OtherComponent correctly applies otherComponentStyles but does not consider mainComponentStyles.

I would like to be able to apply styles to OtherComponent from the parent level of MainComponent. While I am aware that I can wrap OtherComponent in a div and set css=... on the div, it feels like a makeshift solution to the problem.

Therefore, my question is: How can CSS with Emotion be applied from the parent component, specifically MainComponent?

Answer №1

The styles you are using are not being applied to any HTML tag. It is not <OtherComponent> that is being rendered, but the <div> element that is being displayed on the page. Therefore, you need to apply your styles to a valid HTML tag.

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