"Implementing unique typefaces on a static website hosted on AWS

I've been attempting to incorporate a unique font into my CSS class using font-face. I have experimented with both .otf and .ttf file formats, uploading the custom font files to an S3 bucket. I made sure to grant public permissions to the font files and tried utilizing both relative and full URL paths.

Could it be that AWS does not support this operation? Some answers I found mentioned implementing font-face in a similar manner but encountered browser compatibility issues.


@font-face {
    font-family: CustomFontName;
    src: url(/pathToCustomName/CustomFontName.ttf); 

    font-family: CustomFontName;
    font-size: 150px;


<div class="testing"> TESTING CUSTOM FONT </div>

The class is being recognized correctly, but the font itself isn't being applied. Could this be an issue related to AWS or is there something obvious that I'm overlooking? Are there alternative methods for utilizing custom fonts on an AWS static site?

Answer №1

It appears that this post is quite old, but I am sharing my experience for anyone else facing the same issue.

I spent a significant amount of time struggling with this problem until I finally managed to resolve it recently. Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  1. Browser cache: It's advisable to use incognito mode or clear your cache regularly while developing. Many times, I've made significant changes only to wonder why they weren't reflecting, which can be quite frustrating.

  2. Ensure that the path is accurately specified, without any leading / and with correct capitalization. For instance, if your file, Custom_font.ttf, is located in a content folder, the path should be content/Custom_font.ttf. The corresponding line in your CSS would then be:

    src: url('content/Custom_font.ttf');

The path is always relative from the current file/page you have open, or from the base point specified using

<base href="relative/path">
in your HTML.

I hope this insight proves to be useful for you.

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