Ensure that the placeholder remains visible as you type in the input field

Is there a way to implement an input text field in React with the placeholder "DD-MM-YYYY," that partially disappears as I start typing? For example, when I type "02-," only "-MM-YYYY" should remain visible as part of the placeholder.

Answer №1

Instead of using a simple placeholder, you may want to consider implementing an input mask for the pattern you are describing. This will yield better results in your search.

One option is to utilize the

<input type="date">
element, which many browsers support with an input mask for this type of input.

If the date input field doesn't meet your needs, HTML lacks built-in input mask functionality, so you'll need to explore external libraries that can provide this feature.

Prior to selecting a library from npm, it's crucial to clearly define your specific requirements. It's essential that the chosen solution be accessible to users with disabilities. While input masks can enhance user experience, they must be implemented correctly to avoid hindering usability.

When applying an input mask, ensure that the input still accommodates:

  • (Copying and) pasting values
  • Browser autofill capabilities (e.g., for birthdates)
  • Screen readers announcing values accurately
  • Keyboard-only correction options (such as deleting characters within the input)
  • The ability for the pattern to adjust based on language locale

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