Tips for implementing z-index property on table border

I am encountering an issue with an html file that contains a table. The table has one row element with the css property of position: sticky, while the other rows are just example rows with "some text" in each cell.

Within column 5 of the regular rows, I have added a purple tag to each cell, as shown in the first picture. Despite setting the z-index to 3 for the first row, the purple tag is still visible at the border of the table, as seen in the second picture.

I have tried various solutions to address this issue:

  1. Adjusting the numbers of the z-index property and adding lower z-indexes for related elements
  2. Using .stickyth instead of .stickyth th in the style tag
  3. Adding additional div tags within the first row and the purple tag

Unfortunately, none of these attempts have been successful in achieving the desired result. How can I ensure that the purple tag appears under the table border of the first row?

Answer №1

It appears a bit peculiar, but the border seems to scroll even when the element itself is contained within another sticky element that remains stuck.

This code snippet implements a slightly unconventional solution by adding a left side border with a light grayish color to each "th". By applying it to all "th" elements, including the 5th one, they all appear uniform in style.

The after pseudo element doesn't scroll, allowing the purple sections to be displayed correctly underneath.

tr.stickyth th:nth-of-type(n)::before {
  content: '';
  position: absolute;
  width: 0.5px;
  height: 100%;
  top: 0;
  left: -1px;
  background-color: #eeeeee;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
    <style media="screen">
      body {font-size: 120%;}
      td, th {text-align: center;}
      .stickyth th {position: sticky; top: -1px; background: #ccc; z-index: 3;}
      .col5-out {position: relative; z-index: 2;}
      .col5-inner {background-image: linear-gradient(135deg, #6303B1, #ff0099); max-width: 25%; left: -22px; border-radius: 25%; transform: rotate(-23deg); top: -11px; position: absolute;}
      .col5-content {font-size: 75%; padding: 1px 6px;}
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover">
            <tr class="stickyth">
              <th>column 1</th>
              <th>column 2</th>
              <th>column 3</th>
              <th>column 4</th>
              <th>column 5</th>
              <th>column 6</th>
              <th>column 7</th>
              <th>column 8</th>
        <!-- Remaining table rows and cells omitted for brevity -->


Answer №2

If you remove the border by setting it to 0 pixels, you will eliminate the gap:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
    <link rel='stylesheet' href=''>
    <style media="screen">
      body {font-size: 120%;}
      td, th {text-align: center;}
      .stickyth {background: #FFF;}
      .stickyth th {position: sticky; background: #ccc; top: -1px; z-index: 3; border: 0}
      .col5-out {position: relative; z-index: 2;}
      .col5-inner {background-image: linear-gradient(135deg, #6303B1, #ff0099); max-width: 25%; left: -22px; border-radius: 25%; transform: rotate(-23deg); top: -11px; position: absolute;}
      .col5-content {font-size: 75%; padding: 1px 6px;}
    <table class="table table-bordered table-striped table-hover">
            <tr class="stickyth">
              <th>column 1</th>
              <th>column 2</th>
              <th>column 3</th>
              <th>column 4</th>
              <th>column 5</th>
              <th>column 6</th>
              <th>column 7</th>
              <th>column 8</th>
            <tr class="not-sticky">
              ... (omitted for brevity) ...



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