Issue with Bootstrap navigation bar not displaying on iPad devices

Currently, I am working on creating a custom bootstrap menu that displays properly on an iPad screen size.

I have implemented the standard navbar code from Bootstrap with a few tweaks. While it works well on smartphones and laptops, the issue arises when viewing it on an iPad as the navbar becomes hidden. You can check out the top link here for reference:

To see the problem firsthand, you can open up Google Chrome's console --> switch to phone view and then select the iPad option.

Answer №1

This particular CSS rule within your style is currently causing it to be hidden. To address this issue, consider updating the following code snippet. I have specifically disabled the display: none; property.

Upon modifying your style sheet, ensure you perform a hard reload (otherwise, your browser will utilize the cached version of the CSS style sheet)

/* Mobile Menu */

#mobile-menu {
    /* display: none; */
    width: 100%;
    text-align: left;
    float: left;

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