What is the best way to evenly distribute input elements horizontally within the parent container?

I am working on a layout with five select inputs that I want to arrange horizontally within the parent div.
However, the current code setup is not achieving the desired layout:

<div id="divtable">
    <select class="abc"></select>
    <select class="abc"></select>
    <select class="abc"></select>
    <select class="abc"></select>
    <select class="abc"></select>

This is my CSS:

    border:thin solid red;
    margin:5px 0;
    border:thin solid #999;

Here's the fiddle link for reference: here

Answer №1

From what I understand, a display: table-* layout necessitates a complete and valid (albeit fake) table structure - including corresponding display: table-row and display: table-cell elements for proper functioning. (I also wouldn't expect applying display: table-cell to an input element to yield desired results.)

An example of this implementation:

<div id="tablediv">
   <div class="row">
    <div class="cell">
    <select class="abc"></select>




Personally, I would opt for traditional tables over resorting to this approach - as this convoluted div structure offers little more semantic value than a table, in my opinion.

Answer №2

Modify the CSS for the abc class to show as inline :

    margin:7px 0;
    border:1px solid #777;

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