What could be causing the issue with Hindi text not displaying properly on Safari?

I'm having trouble with displaying Hindi text on my website. I tried pasting the text in a new file and it worked, so why is it not loading correctly in this case? The Hindi script is within the second span with the class word w2.

"use strict";

let words = document.querySelectorAll(".word");
words.forEach((word) => {
  let letters = word.textContent.split("");
  word.textContent = "";
  letters.forEach((letter) => {
    let span = document.createElement("span")
    span.textContent = letter;
    span.className = "letter";

let currentWordIndex = 0;
let maxWordIndex = words.length - 1;
words[currentWordIndex].style.opacity = "1";

let rotateText = () => {
  let currentWord = words[currentWordIndex];
  let nextWord =
    currentWordIndex === maxWordIndex ? words[0] : words[currentWordIndex + 1];
  //rotate out letters of current word
  Array.from(currentWord.children).forEach((letter, i) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      letter.className = "letter out";
    }, i * 80)

  //reveal and rotate in letters of next word
  nextWord.style.opacity = "1";
  Array.from(nextWord.children).forEach((letter, i) => {
    letter.className = "letter behind";
    setTimeout(() => {
      letter.className = "letter in";
    }, 340 + i * 80)
  currentWordIndex =
    currentWordIndex === maxWordIndex ? 0 : currentWordIndex + 1;

setInterval(rotateText, 4000);
body {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  align-items: center;
  height: 100vh;
  background: #222;

.rotating-text {
  font-family: monospace;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 36px;
  color: #fff;
  transform: translateX(-80px);

.rotating-text p {
  display: inline-flex;
  margin: 0;
  vertical-align: top;

.rotating-text p .word {
  position: absolute;
  display: flex;
  opacity: 0;

.rotating-text p .word .letter {
  transform-origin: center center 25px;

.rotating-text p .word .letter.out {
  transform: rotateX(90deg);
  transition: 0.5s cubic-bezier(0.6, 0, 0.7, 0.2);

.rotating-text p .word .letter.in {
  transition: 0.8s ease;

.rotating-text p .word .letter.behind {
  transform: rotateX(-90deg);

.w-1 {
  color: #e74c3c;

.w-2 {
  color: #8e44ad;

.w-3 {
  color: #3498db;

.w-4 {
  color: #28cc71;

.w-5 {
  color: #f1c40f;
<div class="rotating-text">
  <p>Hello! My Name is </p>
    <span class="word w-1">Abhay_Chandra</span>
    <span class="word w-2">अभय चंद्रा </span>
    <span class="word w-3">アバイ・チャンドラ</span>
    <span class="word w-4">Абхай Чандра</span>
    <span class="word w-5">아바이 찬드라</span>

This is the output

However, when I type the Hindi script normally, like in a p tag, it appears correctly. What could be causing this issue?

Answer №1

In order to properly split these characters without breaking them apart, you should perform a grapheme split. This will ensure that the important code points forming the "characters" are not separated incorrectly. Instead of using .split("") which splits based on code units, leading to splitting code units that should stay together, you can use the JavaScript method called Intl.Segmenter for a graphene split. However, make sure to check browser compatibility for this new API.

const graphemeSplit = (str, locale) => {
  const segmenter = new Intl.Segmenter(locale, {granularity: 'grapheme'});
  const segitr = segmenter.segment(str);
  return Array.from(segitr, ({segment}) => segment);

If broader browser support is necessary, consider manually splitting the characters and storing them in an object like so:

const localeGraphemes = {
  "hi-IN":["अ","भ","य"," ","चं","द्रा"," "],
  "ru-RU":["А","б","х","а","й"," ","Ч","а","н","д","р","а"],
  "ko-KR":["아","바","이"," ","찬","드","라"]

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