Enhance your theme property in Styled Components by incorporating numerous style properties

Currently, I am delving into the world of styled components for a fresh project and exploring the theming capabilities it offers. I am finding it challenging to determine the best practice for adding multiple style properties to a single object, essentially creating a form of inheritance. My objective is as follows:

// Establish a set of styles for a specific component within the theme
// For example, every font includes a font-family, weight, size, etc
const theme = {
  fonts: {
    font-family: ...,
    font-weight: ...,
    font-size: ...,

// Within the styled component,
// include the multi-line theme, as well as component-specific styling
// and potentially override the theme styles
const Header = styled.span`
  ${props => props.theme.fonts};
  text-decoration: underline;

Currently, it seems necessary to pass the theme property to each style within the component. Is there a design pattern that could help streamline the code repetition evident in my example above?

Answer №1

One practice I often follow is organizing theme styles in separate files. For instance:

  • MyCustomComponent
    • index.js
    • styles.js //<-- Custom styles for the component
  • theme
    • spacing.js // <-- Standard styles for all components
    • colors.js
    • fonts.js

In the spacing.js file, it might look something like this:

const verticalPaddingSmall = {
  paddingTop: 5,
  paddingBottom: 5,

const verticalPaddingMedium = {
  paddingTop: 10,
  paddingBottom: 10,

export default function spacing(size, direction, isPadding) {
  // Some logic to determine the correct object based on parameters,
  // such as screen size (tablets vs. phones), etc.
  return verticalPaddingSmall;

This code snippet is generated automatically based on configurations set for various screen sizes, resulting in a similar outcome.

In the custom component, I import the common styles, apply them to the component's styles, and make adjustments if necessary. Here's an example from styles.js:

import spacing from 'themes/spacing';
import fonts from 'themes/fonts';

const customStyles = StyleSheet.create({
  main: {
    ...spacing('small', 'vertical', true),
  title: {
    ...spacing('xsmall', 'horizontal', false),
    fontSize: 25, //<--- Overriding default title values

I typically avoid direct style overrides on components, as the shared styles handle variations for tablets and phones, similar to media queries in web development.

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