What is the best way to create inline-block elements that stretch the entire width of their container?

How can the input field and button behavior be optimized for this specific display:

Answer №1

I found ScottS's answer to be quite helpful, but I wanted to share an alternative approach using CSS to achieve a table-like behavior:

Styling with CSS

    display: table;
    display: table-cell;
    width: 100%;
    -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box;
    width: 100%;

Structuring HTML

<div class=formline>
    <div class=txt>
        <input type=text>
    <input type=submit value=submit>

Here is a live example on JSFiddle

Answer №2

Indeed, by incorporating some html and css that utilizes a special technique involving the interplay of magic between float and overflow: hidden, you can witness its functionality in action through this demonstration.


<div class="container">
    <div>Some Text</div>
        <div class="stretcher"><input type="text" /></div>


.stretcher {
    overflow: hidden;

button {
    float: right;

input {
    width: 100%;

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