Creating dynamic styles with Material-UI's useStyles

Attempting to implement the same logic using material-ui's useStyle feature

<div className={'container ' + (state.unlocked ? 'containerUnlocked' : '')}>  

I thought it might look like this:

<div className={`${classes.container} + ${state.unlocked} ? ${classes.spacious} : ''`}>  

However, it is not functioning as expected.

Answer №1

It appears that this code is functioning correctly :

<div className={`${classes.container} ${(condition) ? classes.classTrue : classes.classFalse }`}>

Answer №2

One convenient feature of material-ui is the clsx function, designed for adding classes as needed. Simply import it into your project and start using it.

import clsx from 'clsx'

<div className={clsx(classes.container, {[classes.spacious]:state.unlocked})}>

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