What is the best way to ensure the div stays in sync with scrolling?

Trying to synchronize two divs while scrolling. Essentially, I have a page scroll and want to fix the second div when it reaches the top.

Please refer to the gif icon attached for clarification.

You can view my progress so far here.

The current issue in my code is that both divs reach the top simultaneously as I scroll.

This is the jQuery code being used:

jQuery(document).on('ready', function() {
    "use strict";
    /* -------------------------------------
            Set Page Height
    -------------------------------------- */
    function headerFullScreen() {
        var _vph = jQuery(window).height();
        jQuery('#header').css({'height': _vph + 'px'});

    function imgBoxFullscreen() {
        var _vph = jQuery(window).height();
        jQuery('#imgbox').css({'height': _vph + 'px'});
            if(jQuery(window).scrollTop() >= _vph - 68){

    window.onresize = function() {

    var refreshId = setInterval(refresh, 500);

    function refresh() {

    /* -------------------------------------
            FIXED LOGO AND NAV
    -------------------------------------- */
        var scrollTop = 1;
        if(jQuery(window).scrollTop() >= scrollTop){
            jQuery('.logoholder, .navigationarea').css({
                position : 'fixed',
                top : '0',
                margin : '0'


        if(jQuery(window).scrollTop() < scrollTop){

I have also included a gif demonstrating how it is supposed to function.

Answer №1

Here is a simplified version of the script that may be helpful for you.

$(window).scroll(function() {
  var scrollTop = $(this).scrollTop();
  if (scrollTop > 0) {
      position: 'fixed',
      top: '0',
      margin: '0'
  } else {

Check out the demo here

Answer №2

It seems that Dan accidentally omitted a crucial detail in his response. To achieve the desired effect, you should compare the initial position of the div element from the top of the page to the amount you have scrolled.

If the distance scrolled exceeds the initial offset, then you can set the element as sticky. Otherwise, revert it back to its original style.

You have the flexibility to apply styles using jQuery's .css() method like demonstrated below, or utilize class toggling, or a combination of both approaches, based on your preference.

For instance:

$(function() {
  var targetDiv = $('#section1').find('.section-container');
  var sec1offset = targetDiv.offset().top;

  $(document).scroll(function() {

    var distY = $(document).scrollTop();

    if (sec1offset <= distY) {
        position: 'fixed',
        top: '0',
        left: '10vw',
        zIndex: '0'
    } else {
        position: '',
        top: '',
        left: '',
        zIndex: ''

#section0 {
  background-color: midnightblue;
  width: 100%;
  height: 60vh;

#section1 {
  background-color: gold;
  width: 100%;
  height: 60vh;

#section1 .section-container {
  width: 80%;
  height: 30vh;
  position: relative;
  top: 20vh;
  left: 10vw;
  background-color: firebrick;

#section2 {
  background-color: midnightblue;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100vh;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<section id="section0"></section>
<section id="section1">
  <div class="section-container"></div>
<section id="section2"></section>

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