When zoomed in, the div background gives off a crisp white appearance

When I zoom in on a div with a background color or border, it appears completely white. Strangely, this issue doesn't happen when I zoom in on the Facebook site.

This picture illustrates the problem more clearly.

What could be causing this issue?

HTML header CSS

header {
  border-bottom: 1px solid #d6d6d6;
  width: 100%;
  padding-bottom: 10px;
  background-color: #BF0404;
  color: white;

Answer №1

If you encounter a problem where a horizontal scrolling bar appears at the bottom of your window,

avoid using width:100%. This is the default value for block elements and is unnecessary for elements that flow naturally.

width:100% will constrain the layout to the screen width (or its parent if a specific width is set in CSS).

To allow your header to expand beyond the parent's width, give it a layout that allows for natural growth or shrinkage.

header {
  min-width:100%;/* As a block element, it should span the entire available width */
  display:table;/* Will expand, allowing the background to resize as well*/

Check out the DEMO here

Answer №2

It appears that your div has a static width. Have you considered setting it to 100% width instead?

Answer №3

it's important to ensure that the menu's width is set to 100%

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