What are some solutions for adjusting this sidebar for mobile devices?

My mobile version sidebar is not functioning properly on my website. To see the issue, you can visit Zinexium. As I am new to HTML, I don't know how to fix it. Here is a link to the code.

Thank you!

<!DOCTYPE html>
// Code snippet omitted for brevity
:root {
  --sidebar-width: 4.5em;
// CSS styling code continued...

The above code snippet excerpt showcases a part of the developers page of the Zinexium site. For the complete demonstration, please refer to the "The code" hyperlink provided. Thanks for your attention.

Answer №1

If you are experiencing issues with it not functioning, what may be occurring is that it is concealed beneath the other content. To resolve this, apply the z-index: 1 property in your CSS:

.sidebar {
    z-index: 1;

Implementing this should rectify the problem.

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