What is the best way to ensure that my text always aligns perfectly to the end of the line?

I've been struggling to create a column layout where the text perfectly aligns with the end of the line, but so far, I haven't had any success. Despite my efforts to find a solution online, I have come up empty-handed.

What I'm aiming for is to have the text neatly aligned at the end of the column, similar to how it appears on this webpage:

I attempted to achieve this by setting a max-width using the following CSS code:

  max-width: 40vw;

However, it was quite inaccurate in practice. I also tried using the 'w-75' class, which again did not produce the desired result. I observed that the webpage achieves this effect by adding spaces somehow. If the text is not long enough, the page fills in larger spaces to push the text to the end of the column.

Below is the current code snippet that I am trying to adjust:

<div class="wrapper container-fluid shorter">
        <div class="blog-body article-maxwidth">

            <h5 class="main-title">Jak postavit dům levně aneb proč jsou typové domy tak levné</h5>
            <p class="author"><i class="fas fa-pen-fancy"></i> Realitní tržnice</p>

            <p>Velmi často, když s někým řeším cenu stavby dochází na druhé straně k zděšení, jak je možné, že domy co navrhujeme jsou tak drahé. Ano všichni jsou často nadopovaní marketingovými steroidy, které na ně firmy prodávající typové projekty nebo typové domy chrlí.</p>

            <div class="image">
                <a href="images/5.jpg" data-rel="lightcase">
                    <img src="images/5.jpg" alt="Exotická kuchyně">
                <span class="title">Exotická kuchyně</span>

            <h2>Dlouhá cesta do ráje</h2>
            <p>Letiště v Bangkoku je krokem z komfortní zóny pro všechny, kdo se bojí sednout do letadla. Let do vysněného ráje trvá kolem 12 hodin s minimáln...

If anyone has insight into how I can achieve this specific text alignment within a column or knows of thorough documentation on this issue, I would greatly appreciate your suggestions. Thank you!

Answer №1

To adjust the text flow, consider using text-align: justify

.content {
  display: block;
  width: 40%;
  height: auto;
  padding: 10px;
  background-color: lightgray;
  color: black;
  text-align: justify;
<div class="content">
  <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Nihil molestiae voluptatum sunt nostrum eos maxime in temporibus accusamus, a vero laudantium sapiente? Officiis minima animi magnam sequi recusandae reiciendis libero!</p>

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