What is the method for toggling background URLs?

Currently, I am utilizing flaunt.js by Todd Moto for my navigation system. My goal is to seamlessly switch the hamburger image with another image when the mobile-menu is shown and hidden.

Check out the demo here.

For a detailed tutorial, visit this link.

Answer №1

A variety of methods exist for altering the CSS background image. One option is to simply set it directly.

For example:


<div id='my-container'></div>

#my-container {
    height: 518px;
    width: 800px;


document.querySelector('#my-container').style.backgroundImage =
    'url(' +
    'https://www.example.com/image.jpg' +

See it in action on Fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/jmz20uhy/

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