What is the best way to conceal a panel using animation.css slide effects in GWT?

After creating a panel using GWT as shown below:

VerticalPanel myPanel = new VerticalPanel();

I attempted to add animation CSS to myPanel in order to achieve sliding effects when hiding the panel like this:

myPanel.addStyleName("animated slideInRight");

However, it seems that the above code hides myPanel before the slideInRight effect is fully displayed. Why does myPanel not slide as expected based on the CSS before being hidden?

Answer №1

When you invoke the setVisible(false) method, it takes effect immediately without waiting for any ongoing animation to complete.

To ensure that this line of code is executed only after the animation has finished, you can introduce a Timer:

 Timer timer = new Timer() {
     public void run() {

Adjust the delay time in accordance with the duration of your animation.

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