What is the best way to collapse the entire navigation menu after clicking a link (nav-link) within it?

I created a navigation menu using HTML and SCSS, but I'm facing an issue where the menu does not close when clicking on links inside it. The menu continues to overlay the content on the page instead of closing. Essentially, I want the navigation menu to close automatically when a link is clicked.
Here's my HTML code

    <input type="checkbox" class="navigation__checkbox" id="navi-toggle">
    <label for="navi-toggle" class="navigation__button">
                  <span class="navigation__icon">&nbsp;</span>
    <div class="navigation__background">&nbsp;</div>
    <div class="navigation__nav">
      <div class="container-fluid" id="hd">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col-9 col-md-5 col-lg-5" id="both">
          <h6 class="fw-b" id="in-nav">-on the web- </h6>
          <div class="social-links fs-5 mb-4 end text-dark">
            <i class="bi bi-twitter"></i>
            <i class="bi bi-facebook"></i> 
             <i class="bi bi-github"></i><br>  
            <i class="bi bi-linkedin"></i>          
            <i class="bi bi-instagram"></i>
            <i class="bi bi-medium"></i>
        <div class="mb-4">
  <a class="resume" href="afolabi-resume.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Resume 📙</a>
        <div class="col-5 col-md-6 col-lg-6">
          <div class="list">
            <h6 class="fw-b" id="in-nav" style="margin-left:2rem;">-navigation-</h6>
            <ul class="ul">
              <li class="list-item"><a href="/" id="c" >Home</a></li>  
              <li class="list-item"><a href="#projects" id="c">Projects</a></li>
              <li class="list-item"><a href="#stacks" id="c">Stacks</a></li>
              <li class="list-item"><a href="#social-links" id="c">Contact</a></li>

Answer â„–1

If I were to tackle this, my approach would involve implementing a JavaScript onClick function to conceal the top-level DIV element of the navigation bar.

I came across a relevant discussion on this topic that might be worth exploring.


In a previous project of mine, I utilized the following code: Within my HTML page structure, I included:

<div id="overlay" style="display:block;"></div>
<div id="tos" style="display:block;">

For the A HREF link, I incorporated:


and the corresponding JavaScript snippet was as follows:

function toggleOverlay(overlay) {
    // Obtain the DOM reference
    var tosId = document.getElementById(overlay);
    var overlayId = document.getElementById("overlay");
    // Toggle visibility
    tosId.style.display == "block" ? tosId.style.display = "none" : tosId.style.display = "block";
    overlayId.style.display == "block" ? overlayId.style.display = "none" : overlayId.style.display = "block";

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