Switch between multiple unordered lists (ul) so that when one list is clicked, the other lists reset to their initial state as though they were never

When I click on the first item in the ul list, it should slideToggle() to show its corresponding items. Similarly, when I click on the second item in the ul list, its items should slideToggle(), but the first ul list remains visible as well. What I am trying to achieve is that when I click on the first ul list, the items in the second ul list should automatically disappear and vice versa - clicking on the second ul list should hide the items in the first ul list. Here's the code snippet:

$("#none1, #none2, #none3").slideToggle();
} );
$("#none4, #none5, #none6").slideToggle();
} );
#none1, #none2, #none3, #none4, #none5, #none6{
display: none;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.2.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
<ul id="first">
  <li id="block1"><a href="#">Block1</a></li>
  <li id="none1">None1</li>
  <li id="none2">None1</li>
  <li id="none3">None1</li>

<ul id="second">
  <li id="block2"><a href="#">Block2</a></li>
  <li id="none4">None2</li>
  <li id="none5">None2</li>
  <li id="none6">None2</li>

Answer №1

Here is a simplified solution that should meet your requirements by using siblings() and not() to target the other "block" elements

    var $blocks = $('#block1, #block2').click(function(){
        // slide up all siblings of other block(s)
        // toggle slide this one

Check out the DEMO here.

Answer №2

The issue lies in your event handler code, which only specifies to display certain elements without hiding others.

To remedy this problem, you can make the following adjustments:

        $("#none1, #none2, #none3").slideToggle();
        if($('#none4').is(':visible')) { // block 2 lis are visible
          $("#none4, #none5, #none6").slideToggle();
        $("#none4, #none5, #none6").slideToggle();
        if($('#none1').is(':visible')) { // block 1 lis are visible
          $("#none1, #none2, #none3").slideToggle();

Check out a live example on CodePen

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