What is the best way to automate the stylus pen for a static web page?

I am currently using Stylus to generate my CSS file. To take advantage of the CSS3 vendor prefix and other features, I have incorporated the nib package.

My website is static and does not rely on Express or any server. Now, I need to automatically run the nib package whenever the .styl file is modified.

Currently, I manually run the following command:

stylus -u nib screen.styl - it works effectively. However, I would prefer not to have to run this command every time I make changes to the .styl file.

Is there a way to automate this process? Or are there any alternative solutions available?

Here is a sample CSS for the aforementioned command:

@import 'nib'

    border-radius 4
    box-shadow 0 9 1px black

        opacity 0.75

    border-radius 4


Answer №1

To continuously watch for changes in your Stylus files, you can add the --watch flag (or simply use -w):

stylus -u nib -w screen.styl

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