Change occurring within a cell of a table that has a width of 1 pixel

In the code snippet below, there is a transition inside a table cell with a width of 1px to allow it to wrap its content. However, the table layout changes only at the end or beginning of the transition:

var animator = document.getElementById("animator");

function Animate(){
    if( === "100%"){ = "0";
    }else{ = "100%";

document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", Animate);
<table style="width:100%;">
  <td style="width:1px;">
  <div id="animator" style="width:100%; overflow:hidden; transition:2s linear width;">
    <div style="background-color:red;">
  <td style="width:1px;">11111111</td>

<button id="btn">Animate

Is there a way to make the table layout change occur as the transition is taking place?

Answer №1

Here's a clever solution that involves adjusting the maxWidth property of a table cell dynamically to change its size. While shrinking naturally works better than growing, this method is effective. To enhance the growing process universally, consider cloning the div and tracking its growth as it animates, then applying that width to the table cell. Check out the jsfiddle link below for this modified version.

<div id="info">Ready...</div>
<table style="width:100%;">
  <td id="tdID" style="width:1px;">
  <div id="animator" style="width:100%; overflow:hidden; transition:2s linear width;">
    <div style="background-color:red;">
  <td style="width:1px;">11111111</td>

<button id="btn">Animate

var animator = document.getElementById("animator");
var tcell = document.getElementById("tdID");
var info = document.getElementById("info");
var t_start;
var max_width;

function shrink() {
  var d = new Date();
  var t = d.getTime(); = animator.offsetWidth + "px";
  if(t - t_start < 2000) 
    info.innerHTML = "done";

function grow() {
  var d = new Date();
  var t = d.getTime();
  var pcnt = (t-t_start) / 1000;

  if(pcnt<1) { = (max_width*pcnt) + "px";
  else { = max_width + "px";
    info.innerHTML = "done.";  

function Animate(){
  var d = new Date();
  t_start = d.getTime();

  info.innerHTML = "start...";
  if( === "100%") { = "2s linear width";
    max_width = animator.offsetWidth; = "0px";
  } else { = "0s linear width"; = "100%";

document.getElementById("btn").addEventListener("click", Animate);

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