Firefox presents a compact box positioned between the images

When attempting to use flags as a way to switch between languages, I encountered an issue in Firefox where a small box appears between the images on the Hebrew site. In Chrome, everything works fine.

I implemented the following code:

<div class="flags">
    <a href=""><img src="./images/english-flag.jpg"></a>
    <a href=""><img src="./images/hebrew-flag.jpg"></a>

Link for correct display:

Link showcasing the problem:

Answer №1

Your font is having trouble recognizing empty spaces and instead printing unrecognized characters. To fix this issue, simply add an &nbsp; where needed.

For example:

<a href=""> <img src="./images/english-flag.jpg"> </a>&nbsp;<a href=""> <img src="./images/hebrew-flag.jpg"> </a>

Answer №2

Consider the following code:

.flags { font-size: 0;}
.flags a { margin-right:5px;}

Answer №3

Eliminate the gap between two <a> tags and insert the following line into your CSS file:

.flags a{ margin-right: 5px; }

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