What are some methods for utilizing jQuery or Javascript to dynamically modify CSS styles depending on the current URL?

I'm working on integrating a separate navigation area file with my content using PHP includes. I have this idea where I want the links in the navigation area to change color depending on the active page (current URL). Essentially, I need jQuery or JavaScript to identify the current filename (e.g. home.html) and dynamically apply CSS styles based on that information.

For instance, if the URL is home.html, then the background of the link for the Home page should be changed to blue.

Answer №1

If you find yourself in this scenario, consider implementing the following code snippet:

$("A").each(function () {
    if (this.href == document.URL) {

This script checks each link to see if its href attribute matches the current URL of the document. If there is a match, the script adds the 'active' class to that element's CSS classes.

One thing to note is that this method will only be effective if the absolute URLs in the menu and document are identical. For example, if the current URL is http://example.org/dir/, then <a href="index.html"> will not be highlighted since it resolves to

. However, <a href="/dir/"> will be a match.
(A good practice is to use the same URL for every page on your site for SEO and caching purposes)

The key components utilized in this solution include:

  • $("A") selects all anchor elements. It may be beneficial to target specific anchor elements within your menu by using selectors like $("#menu A"). [jQuery]
  • .each(func) runs a specified function for each selected element, with this referring to the current element. [jQuery]
  • this.href retrieves the absolute URI of the linked resource, rather than the potentially relative location as stated in the HTML. [standard DOM]
  • $(this).addClass(clzName) adds a CSS class to the specified element. [jQuery]

To ensure that $("A") captures all elements, execute the script after the entire document has loaded (within the $(document).ready() jQuery event handler or via the onload attribute of the BODY tag).

Answer №2

I believe a more efficient solution would involve adding a class to the html tag instead of swapping out a css file for each page.


Then, you can create custom css styles based on that added class:

html.home > .nav { background-color: blue; }
html.about > .nav { background-color: green; }
html.contact > .nav { background-color: red; }

This method will only work if each page has an extension to split.

If you are using PHP, you could achieve this without jQuery:

<html class="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?>">

There may be variations or similar approaches in PHP, as I have limited knowledge about it.

Answer №3

let urlArray = document.URL.split('/'),
    currentPage = urlArray[urlArray.length - 1];

switch (currentPage) {
    case 'home.html':

    /* Add more cases as needed */


You're all set!

Answer №4

If you need to retrieve the current URL using JavaScript:

let currentURL = window.location.href;

If you want to modify a specific element's CSS property in jQuery:

$('specific_selector').css({ backgroundColor, 'red' });

Answer №5

Here's a simple example:

var currentURL = $(location).attr('href');
    //get the current URL

if(currentURL.indexOf('home.html') != -1){
    //indexOf returns -1 if item is not found in the string
    //so if it is not -1 (that is, found)
    //then apply the background color

You might consider using a switch or case statement to handle multiple URLs/sections.

For instance:

var currentURL= $(location).attr('href');
var pageName = currentURL.slice(currentURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

switch (pageName){
    case 'home.html':
    case 'about.html':

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