Arranging components in a horizontal layout on Jquery mobile

I'm completely new to Jquery mobile and I'm having trouble getting these elements aligned. Here's my code, but I need the two icons to line up horizontally with the caption "Heading".

<img src="../resoruces/speech-bubble-with-exclamation-mark-svgrepo-com.svg" height="24" width="24">
<img src="../resoruces/qr-code-svgrepo-com.svg" height="24" width="24">

Right now, they're just stacking vertically.

What I actually want is something like this:

Heading                                            XX

Answer №1

To enhance the look of your JQM header, make sure to include a wrapper with absolute positioning. See below for an illustration:

   <div class="ui-btn-right">
     <img src="../resoruces/speech-bubble-svgrepo-com.svg" height="24" width="24"></a>
     <img src="../resoruces/qr-code-svgrepo-com.svg" height="24" width="24"></a>

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