Tips for effectively handling repetitive bootstrap CSS code

As part of my coding routine, I often utilize the following code snippet to center specific content:

<!-- horizontal -->
<div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center h-100">

<!-- vertical -->
<div class="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-center h-100 flex-column">

Is there a way to streamline or extend this code for reuse? For instance, can I create a class like 'my-centered-container-vertical' that simply adds the 'flex-column' property to 'my-centered-container', without repeating the entire code block?

<div class="my-centered-container">

<div class="my-centered-container-vertical">

Answer №1

It's advisable not to code directly in CSS. Utilize SASS or LESS for a more efficient approach. Check out other responses on how to incorporate bootstrap into your project. You can also refer to bootstrap#importing for additional guidance. Regarding your specific inquiry, you can implement it as follows:

.my-center {
    @extend .d-flex;
    @extend .align-items-center;
    @extend .justify-content-center ;
    @extend .h-100;

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