Including new styles in CKEDITOR.stylesSet that pertain to multiple elements

My idea involves creating a unique bullet list style with two specific features:

a. A blue arrow image replacing the standard list icon

b. Very subtle dotted borders above and below each list item.

I am looking to incorporate this design into CKEditor through CKEDITOR.stylesSet, allowing users to easily select this custom list style from a drop-down menu without the need to manually code it.

Although I have made progress in applying a specific class to the list (and styling it accordingly), I am facing challenges because using multiple backgrounds via CSS3 is the only way to achieve both the dotted line and blue arrow effects. Unfortunately, this method does not work in Internet Explorer 8 or older versions.

If I were to introduce some DOM manipulation (such as wrapping the text of each list item in a span), I could potentially style it as desired. However, it seems that CKEDITOR.stylesSet only allows for setting one element per style - either ul or li, but not both together.

Unless there is a workaround that I am unaware of? While considering resorting to JavaScript for a solution, I am also open to alternative suggestions for accomplishing my goal.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Avoid using background images for the arrow or dotted line by utilizing CSS instead. Simply apply a class to the <li> with CKEditor and then use CSS code like this:

.styled li {
    border-top: dotted 1px black;
    border-bottom: dotted 1px black;
    list-style: square url('')

For a complete example, visit

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