The background image on my CSS is not showing up

I just added the file to my git repository and shared the link here. Is there a specific way to do this?


Answer №1

To properly display the background image, you must utilize the following raw image URL raw_background_img_src. The current URL you are using will not function correctly. Please refer to the example below for guidance:

body { 

Answer №2

When using the URL (, you may notice that it returns a page with HTML content, including the image you're looking for. This is typical of GitHub's behavior, so don't be alarmed if it seems odd at first glance. However, because the URL doesn't directly serve the image, you won't see it displayed as your background.

To access the actual image instead of the HTML page, you need to use the "raw" URL specifically for the image: Simply replace the original URL with this one.

It's important to note that embedding images in web pages has its considerations. If your repository is public but you later make it private after deploying the web app on a server, users accessing the app may not be able to view the image as expected.

Answer №4

If you want to display an image, just make sure to use the raw link like this:

body {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    background-image: url("");

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