What is the best way to assign two styles with the same value in a single line of code?

Can you suggest a simpler method for expressing left:15%;right:15%, such as using left,right:15% or something equivalent?

Your assistance is greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Unfortunately, in pure CSS, it is not possible to merge multiple properties into a single declaration.

However, with the help of a CSS preprocessor such as LESS (for example, utilizing a Python-based implementation like pyScss), you can create a mixin like so:

@mixin top-bottom($value) {
    top: $value;
    bottom: $value;

and then apply it in this manner:

.sample {
    @include top-bottom(20px);

This would generate the following CSS:

.sample {
    top: 20px;
    bottom: 20px;

Answer №2

At this moment, there is no direct way to merge them, but suggestions for using shorthand properties have been put forward.

One proposal suggests the use of 'offset' as a prefix for logical properties like top, left, right, and bottom, with 'offset' acting as the shorthand to set all of them.
— fantasai

Another perspective suggests that 'position' could serve as both the shorthand and prefix. For example: position: absolute 0 auto 0 0.
— Brad Kemper

Coincidentally, an existing PostCSS plugin named "Short" already adopts this syntax. https://github.com/jonathantneal/postcss-short/blob/master/README.md — Brad Kemper

If the goal is to avoid repeating the same value, CSS variables can be utilized:

div {
  --side: 15%;
  left: var(--side);
  right: var(--side);
  position: absolute;
  background: red;
  height: 50px;

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