What is the best way to ensure that all elements inside a Grid item extend to the bottom, except for the text?

I currently have four columns within a Grid container, each structured as follows:

    <Grid item>
       <Typography>Big Title 1</Typography>
         <Card className={classes.stretchMe}>

My goal is to have the Card with the class stretchMe stretch to the bottom of its parent Grid item. However, due to the Typography component above it in each column, the Cards end up stretching beyond the height of their respective parent divs.

How can I ensure that all the Cards stretch only to the bottom of the parent Grid item (excluding the height of the Typography)?

Here's a slightly more intricate version of the code:

import React from 'react';

const useStyles = makeStyles(theme => ({
  divider: {
    borderBottom: `1px solid ${theme.palette.divider}`,
  stretchMe: {
    height: '100%',

const Cards= () => {
  const classes = useStyles();

  return (
      <Grid container item xs={12} spacing={3} justify="space-between" alignItems="stretch">
        <Grid item xl={2} lg={2} md={6} xs={12} >
          <Typography variant="h4" >
            Big Title 1 
          <Card className={classes.stretchMe}>
            <CardContent className={classes.divider}>
              <Typography variant="h6">Little Title 1</Typography>
              <Avatar />
            <CardContent className={classes.divider}>
              <Typography variant="h6">Little Title 2</Typography>
              <Typography variant="h4">Content</Typography>
            <CardContent className={classes.divider}>
              <Grid container>
                <Grid item xs={6}>
                  <Typography variant="h6">Little Title 3</Typography>
                  <Typography variant="h4">Content</Typography>
                <Grid item xs={6}>
                  <Typography variant="h6">Little Title 4</Typography>
                  <Typography variant="h4">Content</Typography>
        <Grid item xl={4} lg={4} md={6} xs={12} >
          <Typography variant="h4" >
            Big Title 2
          <Card className="classes.stretchMe">
        <Grid item xl={3} lg={3} md={6} xs={12} >
          <Typography variant="h4" >
            Big Title 3
          <Card className="classes.stretchMe">
        <Grid item xl={3} lg={3} md={6} xs={12}>
          <Typography variant="h4">
            Big Title 4
          <Card className="classes.stretchMe">
            <CardContent className={classes.divider}>
              <div className={classes.teamProfile}>
              <div className={classes.teamProfile}>
              <div className={classes.teamProfile}>
              <div className={classes.teamProfile}>

export default Cards;

Thank you,



The issue lies in the fact that the Grid items are extending beyond the boundaries of the Grid containers. https://i.stack.imgur.com/0ms4y.png

Below is the desired outcome for reference:


My suspicion is that the Big titles are causing the Cards to shift downwards?

Answer №1

Passing the prop as a variable using JSX, rather than a string, is recommended. For example:

<Card className={classes.stretchMe}>

Instead of:

<Card className="classes.stretchMe">


  1. Add flex:1 to the cards for them to utilize all available space
  2. For the sub Grids, use container and set direction="column" to ensure correct element placement.

Your code should resemble this:

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
    divider: {
    borderBottom: `1px solid ${theme.palette.divider}`
    stretchMe: {
    height: "100%",
    flex: 1

const Cards= () => {
    const classes = useStyles();

    return (
        <Grid container direction="column" item xl={2} lg={2} md={6} xs={12}>
        <Typography variant="h4">Big Title 1</Typography>
        <Card className={classes.stretchMe}>
            <CardContent className={classes.divider}>
            <Typography variant="h6">Little Title 1</Typography>
            <Avatar />
            <CardContent className={classes.divider}>
            <Typography variant="h6">Little Title 2</Typography>
            <Typography variant="h4">Content</Typography>
            <CardContent className={classes.divider}>
            <Grid container>
                <Grid item xs={6}>
                <Typography variant="h6">Little Title 3</Typography>
                <Typography variant="h4">Content</Typography>
                <Grid item xs={6}>
                <Typography variant="h6">Little Title 4</Typography>
                <Typography variant="h4">Content</Typography>
        <Grid container direction="column" item xl={4} lg={4} md={6} xs={12}>
        <Typography variant="h4">Big Title 2</Typography>
        <Card className={classes.stretchMe}>
        <Grid container direction="column" item  xl={3} lg={3} md={6} xs={12}>
        <Typography variant="h4">Big Title 3</Typography>
        <Card className={classes.stretchMe}>
        <Grid container direction="column" item xl={3} lg={3} md={6} xs={12}>
        <Typography variant="h4">Big Title 4</Typography>
        <Card className={classes.stretchMe}>
            <CardContent className={classes.divider}>
            <div className={classes.teamProfile}>
                <Avatar />
            <div className={classes.teamProfile}>
                <Avatar />
            <div className={classes.teamProfile}>
                <Avatar />
            <div className={classes.teamProfile}>
                <Avatar />

export default Cards;

Answer №2

This issue arises because the prop className was passed as a string instead of a variable.

The correct format should be className={classes.stretchMe}

import React from 'react';

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  root: {
    height: "100%"
  divider: {
    borderBottom: `1px solid ${theme.palette.divider}`,
    "&:last-child": {
      flex: "1"
  stretchMe: {
    display: "flex",
    flexDirection: "column",
    flex: "1"
  gridItem: {
    display: "flex",
    flexDirection: "column"

const Cards= () => {
  const classes = useStyles();

  return (
    <Grid container spacing={2} className={classes.root}>
      <Grid item xs={3} className={classes.gridItem}>
        <Typography variant="h4">Big Title 1</Typography>
        <Card className={classes.stretchMe}>
          <CardContent className={classes.divider}>
            <Typography variant="h6">Little Title 1</Typography>
            <Avatar />
          <CardContent className={classes.divider}>
            <Typography variant="h6">Little Title 2</Typography>
            <Typography variant="h4">Content</Typography>
          <CardContent className={classes.divider}>
            <Grid container direction="row">
              <Grid item xs={6}>
                <Typography variant="h6">Little Title 3</Typography>
                <Typography variant="h4">Content</Typography>
              <Grid item xs={6}>
                <Typography variant="h6">Little Title 4</Typography>
                <Typography variant="h4">Content</Typography>
      <Grid item xs={3} className={classes.gridItem}>
        <Typography variant="h4">Big Title 2</Typography>
        <Card className={classes.stretchMe}>
      <Grid item xs={3} className={classes.gridItem}>
        <Typography variant="h4">Big Title 3</Typography>
        <Card className={classes.stretchMe}>
      <Grid item xs={3} className={classes.gridItem}>
        <Typography variant="h4">Big Title 4</Typography>
        <Card className={classes.stretchMe}>
          <CardContent className={classes.divider}>
            <div className={classes.teamProfile}>
              <Avatar />
            <div className={classes.teamProfile}>
              <Avatar />
            <div className={classes.teamProfile}>
              <Avatar />
            <div className={classes.teamProfile}>
              <Avatar />

export default Cards;

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