jquery mobile integrated seamlessly between image1 and image2

One issue I'm facing with jquery.mobile is that there seems to be a gap between photo1 and photo2 when displayed on my mobile device. Any suggestions on how to eliminate this space and have the images appear seamlessly next to each other? Thank you in advance.

Here is the CSS:

.ui-grid-b img {
   width  : 50%;
   height : 52vw;


And here is the HTML:

<div class="ui-grid-b">

        <a href="xxx.htm">
        <img alt="alt..." src="img/image.jpg" />
        <a href="xxx.htm">
        <img alt="alt..." src="img/image.jpg" />
        <a href="xxx.htm">
        <img alt="alt..." src="img/image.jpg" />
        <a href="xxx.htm">
        <img alt="alt..." src="img/image.jpg" />

Answer №1

.ui-grid-b {
   line-height  : 0;

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