Issues with JQuery scroll() / scrollTop() functionality in Internet Explorer and Firefox

Our current script showcases a dotted line starting from the top of the screen leading to an up arrow. The position of the arrow changes based on how far the user has scrolled down the page, allowing them to click on the arrow and scroll back to the top. While this functionality works seamlessly in Chrome, we are facing issues with Internet Explorer and Firefox. In these browsers, the dotted line does not expand, and the arrow remains stationary as the user scrolls.

We are puzzled by this behavior and would appreciate any insights or solutions.


<div id="dotted-line">
    <div id="up-arrow">^up</div>


    if ($(window).scrollTop() > 10) {
        var pos = $('body').scrollTop();
    } else {

P.S. We attempted creating a JSFiddle, but unfortunately, it does not support scrolling, making it challenging to demonstrate the issue.

Answer №1

When it comes to scrolling behavior, Chrome scrolls with body, while IE and Firefox scroll with html. Personally, I believe using html makes more sense, but that's just my opinion.

If you are working on scroll-related tasks, make sure to use 'html,body' as a selector, including in your $(...).scrollTop() > 10 check.

To optimize performance by not re-evaluating the selector every time, consider wrapping the code like this:

(function(undefined) {
    var container = $("html,body");
    $.windowScrollTop = function(newval) {
        if( newval === undefined) {
            return container.scrollTop();
        else {
            return container.scrollTop(newval);
// call $.windowScrollTop() to get position
// call $.windowScrollTop(100) to set position to 100

Note that there is uncertainty about the necessity of checking for undefined and calling separately. To play it safe, I am unsure how jQuery would react to being literally passed undefined as an argument.

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