Bony Scaffold - halting the motion of specific components

Currently, I am utilizing skeleton to create a fluid layout, which is functioning effectively for the most part. However, I have encountered an issue specifically with the 2 column layout on Magento at this URL:

In this setup, the navigation on the left sidebar is configured to 3 columns, while the main content area on the right is set to span across 12 columns.

The problem arises when the page width is reduced - the right hand side suddenly drops below, causing the left sidebar to expand excessively in order to compensate, resulting in a less visually appealing appearance.

I attempted to address this by applying CSS max-width: 160px; to the left sidebar, which improved the situation but did not completely resolve it. Ideally, I would like the right hand column to remain in place without dropping down, while still maintaining its fluidity and content.

Should I pursue a method to ensure that the right hand column remains fixed in position, or would removing skeleton from this particular section and converting it into static content be a more suitable approach?

Answer №1

If you're aiming for a fluid layout, my suggestion is to utilize the width property in percentages for smaller screens. In the provided code snippet, all widths are specified in pixels within media queries.

@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) and (min-width: 480px){
    .container {
        width: 420px;

The CSS styling above targets the div with the class of container in skeleton.css. When the viewport width decreases below 767px, the main container's width adjusts to 420px. However, the left sidebar and product listing div (right section or primary content area) also have fixed pixel-based widths, causing the right section to drop beneath as there's insufficient space for them to align beside each other.

@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) and (min-width: 480px){
        .container {
            width: 90%;
        .container .sidebar.three.columns{
            max-width: 20%;
         .container .twelve.columns{

Experiment with the above CSS rules to observe how the divs behave fluidly upon window resizing due to the utilization of percentage-based widths. Feel free to apply percentage widths for various screen sizes within your media queries as well.

I trust this information aids you in some capacity.

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