Tips on preserving CSS modifications made in Chrome Developer Tools Inspector to .vue file

Currently, I am in the process of setting up a new workflow where my goal is to streamline my work by using the Chrome DevTools Inspector to save any CSS changes directly to my .vue file.

While the DevTools Workspaces feature can achieve this, it involves saving and automatic reloads. Another option is manually copying the changes from the Inspector to the Sources Panel, but I am looking for a more efficient solution.

I am considering extracting the CSS file via Webpack, but I am unsure if this method will successfully translate back to the .vue file.

Answer №1

In your vue.config.js, make sure to include the following:

  css: { sourceMap: true },

By doing this, you'll be enabling css sourcemaps for your project. After that, simply add your Vue project folder to Devtools Workspaces and you're all set.

One thing to note is that there is currently a bug in Devtools where it cannot link files with unicode characters through workspaces. If you have any non-US-ASCII characters in your file names, they won't be linked for persistence via devtools. You can refer to the relevant bug report here:

For more information on vue css-sourcemaps, check out this thread: Vue CLI sourcemaps to style part of vue component file

Answer №2

Update the .vue file in one go, use devtools if necessary, and then resume editing directly in the .vue file.

By the way, vue serve is fantastic!

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