Resolve Bootstrap 4 responsive table header alignment glitch

Utilizing the d-none and d-md-block classes on a responsive table to hide certain columns at smaller screen sizes has been successful overall. However, there is one issue - the hidden columns seem to be slightly misaligned with the rest of the table. Despite inspecting the columns closely, no conflicting styles have been identified.

It appears that there may be a slight difference in padding or margin for these hidden columns compared to the others, although all values are supposedly equal. An example of the problem can be seen here:

To view the code firsthand, visit and navigate to the "Trades/Add Trade" section.

Answer №1

The issue arises from the utilization of d-md-block. This causes the table cell to transform into a block element, deviating from the default behavior of <th>, leading to spacing complications.

Resolution: Opt for d-md-table-cell in place of d-md-block


<th class="d-none d-md-table-cell" style="text-align: right;">Exchange</th>

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