Animating the height with jQuery can result in the background color being overlooked

For those curious about the issue, check out the JSFiddle. There seems to be an anomaly where the background of the <ul> element disappears after the animation on the second click. Oddly enough, even though Firebug shows that the CSS style is being applied, the red background just won't stay visible. Any idea what could be causing this hiccup?

UPDATE: The red background vanishes upon clicking any <li>.

The key snippets of code are highlighted below:


<div style="position: relative;" class="selectCover">
    <ul style="position: absolute; left: -34.5px; top:-15px; display:none;" value="0040346781">
        <li class="selected">CANCEL</li>
        <li data-branch="SJ">SJ</li>
        <li data-branch="SYI">SYI</li>
        <li data-branch="SZ">SZ</li>
        <li data-branch="SY">SY</li>
        <li data-branch="SE">SE</li>
        <li data-branch="SG">SG</li>
        <li data-branch="SD">SD</li>


.selectCover ul{
   background: red;
    background: green;



$('.selectCover li').click(function(e){
    $({height : 0});

Answer №1

Make sure your javascript is structured properly:


$('.selectCover li').click(function(e){

Upon review, there are 2 issues with your code:

The click events were conflicting as both listeners were triggered when clicking an "li" element. This stemmed from having a click event on the entire container and individual "li" elements. Clicking on an "li" element would inadvertently trigger the container's click listener again.

The second issue was setting the height of the element to 0. The slideDown() method did not update the DOM height correctly, resulting in a background with 0 height being displayed.

I have adjusted the first click event to target the button specifically to prevent it from triggering when clicking an "li" element.

Check out your updated fiddle here:

Answer №2

Make changes to the code below.

You attempted to use hide or slidup, but encountered issues. To solve this problem, you utilized

$({height : 0});
, which resulted in removing the background color.

When an item is selected from the list, the click event propagates to the selectCover div causing it to reappear when hiding or sliding up.

Please refer to the modified code below where both problems have been resolved, and visit jsfiddle for more details.

$('.selectCover li').click(function(e){
    e.stopPropagation(); // prevent propagation of the click event to the parent div
        $('currsel', $('data-branch'))
    $(; // removed animation to retain background color, using slideup only

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